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Andy Hallett w/ TST at Chicago Wizard World- Press Release


May 2005 - Diamond Select Toys and Collectibles, LLC and Time and Space Toys are pleased to announce a partnership bringing Andy Hallett, the actor who brought to life Lorne on Angel, to the upcoming Wizard World Chicago Show (Aug. 5th - 7th). Hallett will be available to sign autographs in both the Time and Space Toys and Diamond Select booths.

Time and Space Toys' booth will feature an Exclusive Lorne Figure, available only at this show. The figure, "House Always Wins" Lorne, features Lorne in "Vegas Attire," and comes with a microphone, microphone base, martini, bottle, stage and speakers. Hallett will be autographing this figure for fans in the Time and Space Toys booth. In addition, Time and Space Toys will bring a bit of Las Vegas to Chicago with a flashy casino-themed booth complete with gaming, contests and giveaways.

"We are going all out, Vegas-style, to highlight this great Angel episode, action figure, and the actor that made it all happen," said Kevin Kriess, President of Time and Space Toys. "This is an event Buffy/Angel fans will not want to miss."

Diamond Select Toys will be offering an Exclusive T1 Lorne at the show, which is limited to 500 pieces. The figure, which comes packaged in a white window box, will only be sold at the show on Sunday. The specific time will be announced as to when the purchase of the figure will come with a free autograph by Andy Hallett.

"This show will be a success for Time and Space Toys and for us, but most importantly for the fans that are getting two great figures and getting a chance to meet Andy," remarked Michael Leavey, Marketing and Sales Coordinator for Diamond Select.

ABOUT DIAMOND SELECT TOYS AND COLLECTIBLES, LLC DIAMOND SELECT TOYS AND COLLECTIBLES, LLC was founded in 1999 by sister company Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. Envisioned to create unique and exciting collectibles for children and adults alike, the company has licensed a variety of pop culture properties to be turned into merchandise. With partners such as Marvel Enterprises, Capcom, Twentieth Century Fox, Hasbro, Backbone, Bliss House, and MGM, Diamond Select Toys and Collectibles produces a large range of products based on a wide variety of properties, and is headquartered in Timonium, MD. For more information, visit

ABOUT TIME AND SPACE TOYS TIME AND SPACE TOYS, family owned and operated, is an online retailer of high quality, licensed toys and collectibles based on entertainment properties. Since 1997, the company has served tens of thousands of customers all across the United States and in over 55 countries around the world. Time & Space Toys has established itself as one of the major retailers of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel merchandise. For more information, please visit

ABOUT TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX LICENSING AND MERCHANDISING TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX LICENSING AND MERCHANDISING - a recognized industry leader - licenses and markets properties worldwide on behalf of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Twentieth Television and Fox Broadcasting Company, as well as third party lines.

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